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Florida Medical Marijuana Reciprocity

With its expansive coastline, Florida is surrounded by water and borders two states. Those with Florida-issued medical marijuana cards often wonder if nearby states honor these cards when they travel.

Do neighboring states, or those even farther away, recognize Florida’s medical marijuana cards? Let’s find out.

Understanding Reciprocity for Medical Marijuana Patients

‘Reciprocity’ in the medical marijuana world means one state recognizing the legal validity of another state’s medical marijuana cards. Essentially, it allows a cardholder from one state to purchase cannabis in another.

Florida, however, does not reciprocate fully. It doesn’t let cardholders from other states buy medical marijuana within its borders without joining its program.

States Recognizing Florida Medical Marijuana Cards in 2024

According to Senate Bill 16, Georgia allows terminal patients with cards from other states, including Florida, to make purchases. Alabama offers limited reciprocity for specific conditions.

States that reciprocate, albeit with certain conditions, include:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Maine
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire (only possession and with strict constraints)
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah

Florida residents should note that marijuana laws often change. It’s essential to verify a state’s regulations before procuring or possessing cannabis there.